Clinical Negligence & Catastrophic Injury Solicitors
Dental negligence claims
The field of dentistry has changed substantially with the advent of new areas of specialism. Dentists may offer restorative treatment; orthodontics; periodontics and implantology. These treatments may in some cases be accessible through the NHS, or from private dentists.
Dentistry is highly specialised and requires a lengthy period of training prior to qualification. As a result most treatments are performed to a good standard. Unfortunately problems do sometimes occur and the results can be painful; disabling; and expensive to rectify.
The General Dental Council regulates the practice of dentistry in the UK. They may become involved if a dentist’s conduct calls into question whether they should be allowed to practice. Other options open to patients include following the dentist’s complaints procedure or seeking to recover compensation.
If you have concerns about dental advice or treatment that you have received then contact us for advice on your options. Our experienced team will deal with your enquiry in a sensitive and pragmatic way.