Clinical Negligence & Catastrophic Injury Solicitors
Care home closed after alleged abuse.
A care home which was accused of humiliating an 84-year-old deaf-blind dementia suffer, allegedly made to sit in a chair soaked with his own urine by a manager, has since closed.
Latimer Grange care home, Burton Latimer, closed after Northamptonshire County Council terminated its contract. The home’s 22 residents, 19 of which were funded by the local authority, were rehomed.
The home’s owner, Anthony Lampitt, called the decision to close Latimer Grange "sad and distressing.”
Northamptonshire Police was investigating allegations of neglect at the home in Burton Latimer, including criminal offences against current and past residents.
A former prison officer, Rhona McKinley, said that her father was left “utterly humiliated" for hours at the Latimer Grange home with a circle drawn around his urine-soaked chair and that she had seen prison inmates treated better.
Mrs McKinlay, who raised her concerns with health and care watchdog, The Care Quality Commission (CQC), said her father also suffered bruising, fleabites and was not fed properly by carers at the home.
She recorded all her concerns in a diary, in which she wrote: "Dad saturated in urine, sitting in chair, wet to his knees and up his back. Anthony Lampitt drew a chalk ring around my Dad and made him sit back down. He was utterly humiliated."
One former care worker, who did want to be named said it had been her job to return Mr McKinlay to the wet chair.
Mrs McKinlay said on another occasion she found a large bruise on her father's stomach, but staff could not explain how it happened.
She said: "The weight was falling off my dad. At one point he was covered in flea bites. They had to have the place fumigated. They couldn't be bothered feeding him. He couldn't see the food put in front of him and didn't have the mental capacity to eat properly himself. It was terrible."
Mr Latimer said it had been impossible to run Latimer Grange while on police bail as he had restricted access to staff and was not allowed to enter the care home.
He said that he had brought in private consultants to run the home for a time, but was forced to bring that to an end due to lack of finances.
Mrs McKinley also raise her concerns about her father’s treatment with Northamptonshire County Council and the police.